There comes a time where I need to stand back and take a good look at how I'm working
Surely I will continue to pursue what I feel we are lacking in this life more and more, gentle beauty, everything that is soft and compassionate, everything that is vulnerable in us, everything that connects us with the divine and each other, I can't seem to let this go so ill stay with it for as long as it needs to stay. Im listening to this in the studio today.
I love beauty but I also like to acknowledge the experience of being human and the raw rasping edges of the life experience that bait us all from time to time. Somehow I do not like to depict this in my paintings, we live with this day to day I do not crave to examine it in a painting somehow.
Talking of those raw and crushing moments in life, I recall being crushed by a friend who sneered at a painting one day and rolled her eyes....I guess that's what you do Abbey. wow I thought what happened there. I was truly startled.
How does one carry on from there. we as artists do what we do hoping we will find the love and approval from a grateful audience that resonates with what we do, those that don't move on. Intellectual arrogance has a sharp sting, im glad I was able to recognize and seperate myself from It.
Seems today being a representational artist has been demonized by artists themselves, a kind of wokeness which causes its own division.
Art is the one wonderful aspect of life that belongs to each us as individual artists. I refuse to fit into any box and chose to live within my own limitations and within my own dreamscape and really don't want to feel I need to account for what I do.
Yes I think I will be staying here doing what I do unapologetically for a good while, because this is what I want to say and do.
Be kind to one another, embrace all that is soft and vulnerable, manage everything that is feminine, nurturing and kind....because once all innocence is lost, there is no going back.