So it started out with a scribble....in that unattached and easy flow state, I scribbled here and there and added some colour and this little gem came to life. Just showed up for me and I loved it. So I continued sketching and wondered what I could do with this and what came through after this....

So this one popped out quite naturally, loved the color combo and wished I was a sewer. I would definitely wear this one too And even as someone who cannot sew I loved it and thought of ways I would cut the fabric and place the various textures together and bring this to life. But no, I knew I was not ready to sew
But on a new page things only got better........

I loved the colours and the spirit of these little scribbles and the more I created the more I wanted to do, a sketch remains a sketch but I wanted to bring them to life, not bury them as sketches, they wanted to be expressed & seen.
I added shoes to this one which I added when making and it worked well, I need to do more of this.
I definitely plan to do more with this series.